I speak to all manner of interesting people. Although I will be the first to admit that it’s not easy to offer love to all, that doesn’t mean I don’t try. I have also learned many new things and had beautiful experiences with brilliant healers and teachers, who have been easy to love.
The last two years have been so full of growth and healing on the inner landscape that I haven’t emerged for a while. This cocoon is starting to feel slightly restrictive, so it’s time to share. I am writing this now to share the vision.
There’s a question that keeps clearly ringing in my head. It is in my heart and surely etched into my soul: What is to become of this? How do we heal?
I know how easy it is to feel the rampant fear, confusion, and pain of every soul on this planet and even the Earth herself. It is all that anyone can focus on. It becomes this insurmountable mountain range of torrential dread. Not only do we not want to own it, but we also don’t want to acknowledge its existence.
Our future lies within the hope that we can look at it and see that it is not insurmountable. That there is beauty just behind the veil. We hope there is a wonderful future ahead of us. As odd as it sounds, there’s a profound need to look at the pain and devastation and imagine it full of peace and joy. We must believe we are the destructive, voracious caterpillar becoming the mature butterfly. We need to start by blaming no one. It is no one’s fault or everyone’s fault. That is the nature of forgiveness and connectivity with the underscore of a bit of quantum entanglement.
There are no accidents. This entire universe is based upon our ability to observe it. If we observe an insurmountable pile of heinous bullshit that no one will survive, then that is what is truly there. That is what was determined to be. Every particle in the universe aligned itself to make it so. None of the happy moments you experienced would have existed without the timeline of choices and circumstances that led to it. When you trade space in your heart for anything but unconditional love, that thing will come to be if it does not already exist. When we forgive the existence of fear, we can open to hope.
If I were a physicist, I would describe hope as the theory of everything. Our ability to hope for the best must begin to overcome our fear of the worst. When I think of humanity, my mind immediately plays the scene in which Harry Potter bought his wand. We are capable of great and terrible things. However, most people are neither great nor terrible. So when did we give up hope that people are naturally good, that forgiveness is easy, and that we are destined for beauty? You’re missing much of the picture if you’re looking out of a dirty window. We have to carry the presence of hope and forgiveness with us in every minute. They leave the door open for life and love. Your perspective is the one common denominator to everything that makes you give up hope.
Let hope be your compass, guiding you through the uncertainties of life. Don’t let the walls of fear and doubt you’ve built around yourself keep you from living fully. Safety is an illusion, but hope is real. Let it lead you, and live in hope. Before you know it, hope will become faith.