To Make Sacred
To sacrifice is to make sacred. As the new moon illumes in the very near future we are being asked to surrender, to sacrifice that which does not serve our highest intentions. While we dream of our goals and set a new vision to begin we must first make sacrifices. Only the purest of modalities will do.
Our pain is sacred. Let us sacrifice it to lessons learned and embrace the blessings of wisdom to carry us through new beginnings. Our rage is sacred. Let it be the fuel for transformational fires. Our pleasures are sacred. Let them be sacrificed to gratitude for the abundance that we have and for those that have not. Our love is sacred. Let it be sacrificed to purify the waters that nourish the ethers. When we sacrifice those things that are both burdensome and brilliant in our lives we are gifted the glory of love and lightness.
When we cling to only the light we forget that divinity is within all, even the darkness. It is without acceptance of the magnitude of genuine grace when we wish to only dwell in the light. Without the darkness there is no light, and without the light there is no dark. Day does not exist if it weren’t for the duality of night. It is in the darkness that light is needed. It is within androgyny that we find peace; being both, all and nothing seems a hard task. It asks us to slow time and masticate all things presented to us. In what way will we sacrifice this flavor? The linear becomes cyclical within the hands of space and time.
To make sacred the gamut of your life is a process of purification. Your emotions, your body, your health and environment will speak to these sacrifices. Clarity will be found in heart knowledge. Ask your precious heart what it desperately longs for and it will tell you what needs to be laid upon the altar.
New moons speak of death, birth, rebirth and seeds silently planted in the dark, they are the beginning and the end. Sacrifice, release, death, these are the fertile soul in which those seeds find nourishment to lay strong roots and fresh growth. The cycles of the moon reminds that everything within it’s time. As I think of this new moon I see clearly in my mind the death card in tarot. For a butterfly to be born a caterpillar must die. Neither can exist without the other. To navigate through the new moon energy, begin by dreaming your new reality. Our dreams only happen in the dark.
I will post a new moon ritual soon but for now, forgive, release and make what you have come through sacred.